Should endocyclophotocoagulation be considered part of MIGS? Mr Ratnarajan delves in
September 27th 2022Mr Gokulan Ratnarajan recaps his 2022 ESCRS presentation: "A Real World Comparison Of iStent Combined With Phacoemulsification And Endocyclophotocoagulation (Ice2) With Preserflo And Xen-45 Implants In The UK; Short- And Long-Term Outcomes."
Faricimab approved for treatment of nAMD, DMO by European Commission
September 19th 2022Roche’s treatment of faricimab is the first and only FDA-approved medicine targeting two distinct pathways, angiopoietin (Ang)-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, that often cause retinal diseases that may cause visual loss.