The primary goal of cataract surgery is to provide patients with their best possible vision by removing the opacified lens and implanting an intraocular lens (IOL). Regardless of the type of implant used, achieving the targeted refractive outcome after cataract surgery is a multistep process that involves obtaining accurate preoperative measurements, selecting a properly powered IOL, and correct implantation of the lens intraoperatively. With these many steps, planning and executing cataract surgery is a time-intensive process during which there are multiple opportunities for errors being made.
Results of the 2022 ESCRS Clinical Trends Survey show that cataract surgeons see digitalization of cataract workflow as a solution for overcoming the above-mentioned issues.1 According to the survey, surgeons agree that digital operating rooms bring advantages for improving efficiency and workflow, shortening procedure time, and improving surgical outcomes and safety, as well for improving surgeon comfort during the procedure.
In this interactive supplement, leading surgeons share their experiences with and describe the advantages of cataract surgery digitalization. Their narratives might dispel any myth or concern that changing an existing workflow and adopting to a new system involves too much time and effort and establish as reality that digitalization can truly enhance the planning, performance, and outcomes of cataract surgery.
1. ESCRS Clinical Trends Survey 2022 results. Supplement to EuroTimes. September 2022. Accessed February 21, 2024.