EDOF lens tech is evolving to help more patients with intermediate vision


Assistant Prof. of ophthalmology Basak Bostanci discusses her ESCRS presentation, “Extended Range Of Vision In Unusual Cases” and how EDOF lens technology is evolving to include a wider pool of candidates.

Video transcript

Note: This transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.

Caroline Richards: So thank you for joining me here Professor Bostanci. I understand you've given quite a few presentations at this year's ESCRS, and it's lovely to meet you here in Milan. I'm the editor of Ophthalmology Times Europe, and I would love to hear more about EDOF lenses and the key takeaway points from your presentation.

Asst. Prof. Basak Bostanci: Thank you, I will be more than glad to answer this question. So I am Basak Bostanci, an associate professor of ophthalmology from Istanbul, as you said, and here in Milan, there was a great discussion about EDOF lenses as an option for presbyopia correction.

So, in the past, these trifocals diffractive, optic trifocal lenses, were only given as a solution to people who had the most wonderful ocular surface and ocular anatomy. So people with some dry eye issues and people with compromised corneas were not eligible. With EDOF lenses, we have a slight chance to offer them a premium solution for giving them a functional vision, which is arm-length vision.

So intermediate vision is very important in our daily lives, we are checking our telephones, we are cutting something on the table, we are preparing meals for our children. So functional vision is really depending on how we see far and how we see at arm distance. So these EDOF lenses provide us intermediate vision.

And because most of them are not verging on a refractive principle, we can offer them also to our dry eye patients, to our patients who had received refractive surgeries.

So what I love about these lenses are if the patient doesn't have a fully compromised cornea, or geographic atrophy in the retina, or severe glaucomatous damage, now we can offer them a premium lens option to make their lives easier.

Richards: Yeah, yeah. Oh, that sounds really good. I mean, there's so much information in the field at this conference. And is there anything that you would say you're most excited about going forward to the future?

Bostanci: Yeah, I like walking through the technology. So these EDOF lens technologies are very different from one another. So I love in those congresses, the best part of those congresses is we can go ahead, meet the inventors of these wonderful intraocular lenses, and we can compare one to another and find a good option for our particular patients. So thank you for asking me this question.

Richards: Oh, no problem. You're welcome. Well, it was really lovely to speak to you and I'm sure our readers and subscribers to OTE will be very interested to hear what you have to say. And thank you very much.

Bostanci: Thank you.

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