A panel of experts in ophthalmology and optometry review the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic eye disease including emerging agents in the field.
EP. 1: Overview of diabetic eye disease
Expert optometrists and ophthalmologists provide an overview of diabetic retinopathy and the standard of care for a diabetes eye exam.
EP. 2: Imaging for diabetic retinopathy
The importance of imaging in a diabetes eye exam with OCT-A and widefield angiograms is examined.
EP. 3: Use of OCT-A for patients with diabetes
Evaluating the use of OCT-A for patients with diabetes in clinical practice and whether it should become a standard of care.
EP. 4: Optimizing diabetes health management
A discussion on educating a patient with diabetes on disease management, including routine hemoglobin A1C screenings to optimize health, and sending a referral to a retina specialist.
EP. 5: Diabetes management: Communication between ODs and MDs
Experts discuss successful communication among optometrists, retina specialists, and primary care providers when treating a patient with diabetes.
EP. 6: ADA guidelines for DR/DME management
Approaching the practical management of proliferative and nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME) according to the ADA (American Diabetes Association) guidelines.
EP. 7: Treatment options for DR/DME
The role of DRCR.net clinical trials in guiding the management of DR/DME and a review of the safety and efficacy of anti-VEGF agents.
EP. 8: Challenges to diabetes management
Challenges commonly faced by providers for the treatment of diabetes and how to ensure patients come back for follow-up visits.
EP. 9: Impact of COVID-19 on management of DR/DME
EP. 10: Emerging agents for the treatment of DR/DME
Emerging agents and therapies in the pipeline for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema.