XXVII Congress of the ESCRS


A preview of this year's ESCRS congress in Barcelona.

Key Points

The twenty seventh Congress, spread across five days will, once again, focus on important innovations and techniques carried in clinical trials and research.

However, this year there are some welcome additions to the traditional agenda as OTE 's editor, Pamela Brook, notes: "It's really refreshing to see that the Congress will be offering, I believe for the first time, an Entrepreneurial Masterclass for Ophthalmologists. For many years it's probably been true to say that most members of the medical profession, including ophthalmologists, don't see themselves as business people, let alone entrepreneurs. However, the world is changing and in today's shifting and challenging environment it's an imperative that business, research and industry have to become closer." Associate professor of strategic and international management and entrepreneurship at the London Business School, Keith Willey will present the Masterclass on Saturday 12th from 9am – 5pm. The fee is 200 Euros and 50 places are available. The day's programme is full on and participants will be required to do some homework beforehand by completing a questionnaire asking questions about whether your practice is growing its revenue, and what problems it currently has and how you are addressing them. Willey will look at the pressure upon a practice to take advantage of the latest technology and innovations, considering value for money and ask who should manage and captain your practice.

The workshops will focus on Marketing Your Practice on the Sunday and Managing Your Practice on the Monday. Communications expert and consultant, Kris Morrill will explain how to Target your Market. Kris will demonstrate how to use the internet as an effective marketing tool. Getting the most out of the telephone at your practice can bring in precious revenue yet many still fail to get the most out of calls and overcome patient objections. Rod Solar will provide some answers in The Golden Telephone: Turn More Enquiry Calls into Patients. Turning to the management side Wilfrid Girard from France will be explaining How to Write a Business Plan and Eckhard Weingaertner from EuroEyes in Stuttgart will show How to Analyse your Current Practice Position. Bausch & Lomb is supporting the workshop Opportunities for Developing a Premium IOL Service in your Practice where Dr Erik Martens and James Dawes will look at a business model that offers patient education, management of expectations and training your staff accordingly. "The Crystalens HD, our new accommodating IOL, is a key focus for Bausch & Lomb at the ESCRS this year, with the latest European results being presented at our Saturday lunchtime symposium on Quantity & Quantity of Vision" said Gareth Steer, Vice President of Surgical, EMEA. In addition, the 1.8mm MICS Platform continues to form a major element of B&L ESCRS programme, with the 4th MICS Symposium including live MICS surgery from the IMO clinic in Barcelona."

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