Pseudophakic monovision vs bilateral multifocal IOLs


Monovision popularity is growing as an option for presbyopia patients

Over the last few years the expectations of cataract patients have increased and today more than 90% of them express a wish to be spectacles-free after surgery.

Subsequently, the interest in monovision has increased during the last few months.

However, more important seems to be the magnitude of ocular dominance. In fact, for successful monovision, interocular blur suppression should flexibly alter in each eye at any distance.3,4

Our study

We conducted a study to evaluate visual performance and satisfaction in cataract patients in whom we have applied different options to correct presbyopia.

A group of 25 patients with pseudophakic monovision (target refraction: emmetropia in the dominant eye and –1.50 D in the non-dominant eye) have been compared with a group of 25 patients with a bilateral implantation of a multifocal IOL.

The dominant eye has been determined simply asking the patients to view a distant target throught a circle made by thumb and forefinger.

In the monovision group an aspheric acrylic hydrophobic lens (Tecnis AMO Abbott Laboratories?Inc. Abbott Park, Illinois, USA) was implanted in both eyes and in the multifocal group an aspheric multifocal acrylic hydrophobic lens (Tecnis Multifocal AMO Abbott Laboratories Inc.).

In this study we evaluated at a three month follow-up: near and distant uncorrected visual acuity; contrast sensitivity in scotopic conditions; spectacle independence; patient satisfaction index; reading speed.


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