Dr Gulani introduces the concept of Corneoplastique, a new super-speciality of LASIK, which combines all levels of anterior segment surgery, striving to attain the goal of unaided emmetropia or best vision potential in every eye.
"In this era of raised expectations, advanced technologies, and dedicated pursuit for Super-Vision, I wish to introduce this concept and holistic approach by combining all levels of anterior segment surgery that strives to attain the goal of unaided emmetropia or best vision potential in every eye," said Dr Gulani, an internationally renowned eye surgeon with a global clientele referred by eye surgeons worldwide, and founder and chief surgeon of the Gulani Vision Institute in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
"This art of blending the full spectrum of ocular surface, corneal, and intraocular surgery in a planned approach either before (to prepare the eye) or after eye surgery (to repair the eye) is the core function of this new super-speciality that keeps focusing on unaided emmetropia in single or staged fashion, especially if you consider that these techniques are all brief/topical/aesthetically pleasing and, therefore, a fond memory for the patient," he noted.
The envisioned goals of Dr Gulani's super-speciality will be as follows: