The latest advancement in optical imaging.
The latest advance in optical imaging is the addition of multicolour imaging to OCT cameras. I have experienced this technological advancement with Heidelberg Engineering's MultiColor technology for SPECTRALIS, which allows simultaneous scanning with three selective coloured lasers: infrared, green and blue. In this article, I will outline the basis of multicolour imaging, highlighting advantages and revealing my experiences.
Background to the MultiColor
Benefits across a range of diseases
One of the great benefits of OCT imaging is that it is non-invasive and non-mydriatic. The new SPECTRALIS models allow the user to capture an OCT image and at the same time a colour image that is very similar to a fundus image, without having to dilate the patient. Because the lasers are continually scanning, a live fundus image is delivered that makes camera alignment very easy. Moreover, the confocal optic suppresses scattered light and produces high contrast images, even in many patients with cataract. In my opinion, MultiColor images are excellent educational tools for the patient as they are much easier to understand than infrared images.