The refreshed UK Vision Strategy was launched at the Vision UK 2013 Conference, according to a press statement.
The refreshed UK Vision Strategy was launched at the Vision UK 2013 Conference.
The strategy, held at the QE2 Centre, London, UK, contains all the aims of the original 2008 strategy but has undergone significant development. Three new key outcomes of the measure were announced including the encouragement of the UK population to maintain their eyesight, guaranteeing primary treatment for those with existing eye conditions and ensuring those with sight loss can fully participate in society.
Don Grocott, Optical Confederation Chairman, commented, “Much has been achieved under the original UK Vision Strategy, not least the Eye Health Indicator in England and the considerable work to improve eye health, prevent visual impairment and enable people with sight loss to lead active, full and inclusive lives in all four UK countries.”
“However, there is much more to do and people in this country, especially older people and people from minority groups, are still losing their sight at rates which are just not acceptable,” continued Mr Grocott. “As founder members of the UK Vision Strategy and enthusiastic supporters of Vision 2020 UK, the Optical Confederation and its members will continue to strive to improve eye health for all and offer access to the highest quality community eye health services and vision correction.”
David Hewlett, representing the Optical Confederation at the conference, stated, “Continuing emphasis on the importance of looking after your eyes and regular sight testing is very welcome. This is the best means of achieving eye health for all and reducing the unacceptable levels of avoidable sight loss in the UK.”