What therapies have made it to Phase II clinical trials?
ATG3 (CoMentis, formerly Athenagen): Nicotinic acetylcholine antagonist
ATG3 is a proprietary topical ophthalmic formulation of mecemylamine, an antagonist of the nicotinic acetylocholine receptor pathway that mediates angiogenesis, under investigation for the treatment of wet AMD.
CoMentis has initiated a Phase II study that will enrol 330 subjects to be randomized into one of three treatment groups: two different doses of ATG3 administered by eye drop twice daily, or placebo. All subjects will be monitored over a 48-week period to assess the drug' safety, tolerability and efficacy.
TG100801 (TargeGen): Anti-VEGF
TG100801 is administered non-invasively as an eye drop and is designed to suppress VEGF-mediated leakage and additional kinase targets associated with inflammation, edema and angiogenesis.
TargeGen recently initiated a multicentre Phase II clinical trial of TG100801 in patients with AMD.