
Lynda Charters; Reviewed by Dr Gregory D. Parkhurst


When to implant phakic IOLs

Phakic IOL implantation offers a number of benefits for patients with myopia who are not candidates for laser vision correction.

Varun Chaudhary, MD, FRCS(C)


Key Retreatment Decisions in the Clinical Trials for Faricimab in nAMD

Dr Varun Chaudhary presents the retreatment decisions during the treat-and-extend phase of the TENAYA and LUCERNE clinical trials in neovascular AMD, focusing on the percentage of patients who maintained, extended, or reduced their treatment interval based on visual and anatomic criteria.

Michel Michaelides, BSc, MB, BS, MD(Res), FRCOphth, FACS


Dry AMD: A review of ongoing, completed and future treatments

The most promising recent interventional trials for investigational therapies in dry age-related macular degeneration are highlighted by the authors.

By Lynda Charters; Reviewed by Kevin T. Eid, MD, MSc


Artificial intelligence as patient resource: findings from a chatbot investigation

Ophthalmologists graded AI bots' answers to questions from patients following cataract surgery

Mark Barakat, MD


The digital OR: Retina care of tomorrow

The future of the tech-forward surgical suite

Tunde Peto, MD, PhD


Providing optimal care for patients with diabetic eye disease

Prof Tunde Peto discusses her presentation on providing the best virtual care for patients with diabetic eye disease at EURETINA 2021.

Dr Joshua Mali


New technologies improve retinal care, managing patient expectations is key

Retina specialists and their patients have learned how AI and telemedicine can be effective in monitoring disease progression and alerting clinicians to early signs of adverse changes.

Prof. Gangolf Sauder


Let’s throw everything away…except the patient and the surgeon

Single-use cataract surgery comes with several safety and quality attributes.

Dr C. Randall Harrell


Bringing biologics to eye health: Regenerative medicine for inflammatory disorders

Biologic treatments can be utilised to help the eye heal itself in inflammatory conditions such as dry eye disorder.

Pascal Rozot, MD


Managing small pupil challenges in patients with the Malyugin ring

The Malyugin ring 2.0 expands the small pupil safely and effectively to enable excellent intraoperative visualisation. It has a good safety record and is easier to use than alternative methods.

John H. Merey, MD


Ophthalmologist shares his Holocaust survivor story

As the world observes International Holocaust Remembrance Day each January 27, Dr John H. Merey may be the only Holocaust survivor still in the practice of ophthalmology.

Prof. Eszter Mikó-Baráth


Amblyopia screening with the dynamic random dot stereotest

A new amblyopia screening system that can be used on Android devices has performed better than some of the ‘gold standard’ stereotests in recent Hungarian studies.

Marion Munk, MD, PhD


Efficacy and Safety of Aflibercept 8 mg in PHOTON Trial in DMO

Dr. Marion Munk examines the Phase 2/3 clinical trial of high-dose aflibercept (8 mg) in diabetic macular oedema, presenting key outcomes and clinical implications of the data.

Dr Abha Amin


Mastering the Yamane technique: Key learnings from first cases

Practice makes perfect when adopting this method for intrascleral IOL fixation.

Dr Victor H. Gonzalez


Seize under-utilised opportunity to treat glaucoma during vitrectomy

Combining ECP with vitrectomy can reduce medication use following the procedure and in some cases avoid the need for further surgery.

Cheryl Guttman Krader; Reviewed by Dr Carl W. Baker


Study targets strategies for CI-DMO

In the DRCR Retina Network Protocol V, which studied management strategies for eyes with centre-involving DMO and good visual acuity, the majority of eyes randomly assigned to initial observation completed the 2-year study without needing anti-VEGF therapy for vision loss and nearly one-third had spontaneous resolution of DMO.

Dr Marco Coassin


Considering antibiotics use in postoperative endophthalmitis

Whilst endophthalmitis following cataract surgery can lead to serious vision outcomes, there are ways of minimising the risk of it occurring whilst also being mindful of the need to prescribe antibiotics in a way that does not worsen antimicrobial resistance.

Oscar Chen, MD, MS; Fred Crawford, MD; and Veena R. Raiji, MD, MPH


Successful treatment of bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation with plasmapheresis

In this case study, a patient with recently diagnosed cancer demonstrated significant improvement for ocular symptoms of BDUMP following plasmapheresis

Marta Stevanovic, MD, MSc


Treatment and technology: The future of retina care

How robotics and gene therapies are shaping retina research, now and in the days to come

Dr Michael Savetsky


Real-world outcomes validate intraocular drug delivery method

Evidence from clinical trials and real-world situations demonstrates the effectiveness and convenience of intraocular drugs to control postoperative inflammation.

Prof. Günther Rudolph


First-ever retinal gene therapy: Does real-world experience back its use?

Recent reports of retinal atrophy have raised concerns on potential long-term safety.

Veeral Sheth, MD, MBA, FACS, FASRS


Gene therapy for managing neovascular macular degeneration

Gene therapy for nAMD represents significant advancements in the treatment of retinal conditions

Dr Roberto Gallego-Pinazo


COVID-19 presents opportunities for new directions in ophthalmology

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the entire global community. As we look to the future to advance the provision of eyecare excellence, opportunities for innovation must be embraced and new, patient-centric ways of managing clinical practices adopted.



Broadening the benefits of iCare EIDON retinal imaging with the new Ultra-Wide Field Module

This article is produced by iCare Finland for healthcare professionals and is not intended to provide medical advice and/or treatment guidance. This website is not country-specific and therefore may contain information which is not applicable to your country.

Dr Neda Shamie


New horizons in interventional glaucoma

Novel procedures may hold greater appeal for cataract and refractive surgeons

Dr Jeffrey Gemi


Tried and tested therapeutic options for meibomian gland dysfunction

Methods using a combination of non-invasive thermal treatments and meibomian gland expression seem to be particularly effective.

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