Carl Zeiss is set to unveil the AT LISA tri 839MP IOL at the ESCRS this year in Milan. The AT LISA enables patients to switch between near, intermediate and far distance visions without the need for corrective spectacles.
Carl Zeiss is set to unveil the AT LISA tri 839MP IOL at the ESCRS this year in Milan.
The AT LISA enables patients to switch between near, intermediate and far distance visions without the need for corrective spectacles.
AT LISA tri provides asymmetrical light distribution between 50% far vision, 20% intermediate and 30% near vision. Light energy transmittance is increased for maintained contrast sensitivity and lower visual disturbance, resulting in significantly less halos and glare. Intermediate performance is enhanced due to the additional +1.66 diopters, compared to bifocal or convoluted trifocal IOLs.
The IOL can be used in conjunction with micro-incision cataract surgery (MICS) to lower the risk of astigmatism and reduce higher order aberrations. AT LISA tri can be safely implanted through an incision of 1.8 mm when used with the BLUEMIXS 180 injector. The anti-posterior capsular opacification (PCO) profile of the lens reinforces the effect of the square edges for effective prevention of PCO.
Booth number: S117
Please note this product may not be FDA-approved for the US.