Breaking news from the floor
LASIK microkeratomes, a cost-effective solution
At this year's ESCRS in Paris, Moria showcased its One range of single-use, high precision, handheld surgical instruments, including the One Use-Plus SBK.
Combining presbyopia correction and astigmatism control in one IOL
Oculentis presented its multifocal toric intraocular lens, the LENTIS Mplustoric at ESCRS in Paris.
Complete measurement of anterior eye segment solution
The main focus at the Oculus booth at ESCRS in Paris was its Pentacam solution for anterior segment tomography, which analyses the entire cornea, anterior chamber and crystalline lens.
More news from the congress
Detailed diagnostic imagingLaser delivery platformLight speed measurementsA new kind of flexibilityThe intracameral cefuroxime/moxifloxacin debateLatest in laser generationTwo does become one!The shape of things to comeSmall incisions