Safe and effective barrier against contamination during TSCPC


Using a sterile, disposable barrier for the G-probe transsceleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCPC) device is a safe and effective method of preventing contamination in consecutive patients.

Using a sterile, disposable barrier for the G-probe transsceleral cyclophotocoagulation (TSCPC) device is a safe and effective method of preventing contamination in consecutive patients, according to a study published in the Journal of Glaucoma.

An investigation led by Dr Daniel B. Rootman, University of Toronto, Canada, measured diode laser output with and without the G-probe barrier both pre- and post- TSCPC. After each test, the barrier was inspected for microperforations and debris. Microbiology was recorded on the cadaver eye and after 20 cycles of the G-probe.

It was found that there was a statistically significant difference between the diode laser output with and without the G-probe barrier both pre- and post- TSCPC and the laser focus dispersion was reduced by the G-probe cover.

However, when using the G-probe barrier the clinicians found no evident perforations or any debris on the G-probe post-treatment.

Therefore, it was concluded that use of the barrier was effective when trying to avoid contamination during TSCPC.

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