Study shows high compliance with early-childhood vision screenings, pinpoints parental limitations
The study underscored a need for tailored approaches among specific patient populations
PHOTON Results and Their Relation to DME Patients in Your Practice
John Kitchens, MD, is joined by Diana Do, MD, to discuss the PHOTON trial results and their relation to patients with diabetic macular oedema in clinical practice.
Healthy lifestyles translate to lower risk of retinal disease
Researchers screened for outcomes such as the presence of retinal diseases including age-related macular degeneration and retinal vein occlusion
PULSAR Results and Their Relation to nAMD Patients in Your Practice
John Kitchens, MD, is joined by David Brown, MD, to discuss the PULSAR study results and their relation to patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration in clinical practice.
EMA launches procedure for manufacturers working with high-risk medical devices
The European Medicines Agency's new standard procedure allows manufacturers to request advice from medical device expert panels
Helping patients with glaucoma manage mental health
The link between eye health and mental health may be deeper than previously believed