Transconjunctival Muscle Suturing is a new technique that decreases the size of opening by approximately one third.
Renal dysfunction negatively impacts effect of diabetic macular oedema therapy
Additionally, the prognosis of macular oedema may help clinicians evaluate renal function, investigators reported
PHOTON Results and Their Relation to DME Patients in Your Practice
John Kitchens, MD, is joined by Diana Do, MD, to discuss the PHOTON trial results and their relation to patients with diabetic macular oedema in clinical practice.
Nicox SA shares research findings from NCX 470 Mont Blanc Phase 3 glaucoma trial
The novel nitric oxide-donating bimatoprost eye drop is designed to lower IOP in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension
PULSAR Results and Their Relation to nAMD Patients in Your Practice
John Kitchens, MD, is joined by David Brown, MD, to discuss the PULSAR study results and their relation to patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration in clinical practice.
The Fred Hollows Foundation issues a call to action for International Women's Day
The Australia-based organisation is partnering with the UN Friends of Vision group for an event on 11 March
US FDA approves revakinagene taroretcel-lwey (ENCELTO) for macular telangiectasia type 2
The encapsulated cell therapy from Neurotech Pharmaceuticals is the first FDA-approved treatment for MacTel