Mainstream scanning laser ophthalmology
Could it be the beginning of the end of the traditional fundus camera?
Among those who think it will are Dr Thomas Theelen (Associate Professor at the Department of Ophthalmology, UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and Professor Giovanni Staurenghi (Professor of Ophthalmology at the Luigi Sacco Hospital, University of Milan, Milan, Italy). They believe that today's technological momentum will finally make SLO truly accessible for everyone and that this is essential given the rapidly growing incidence of diabetic retinopathy, AMD and glaucoma that healthcare providers both in the West and developing countries are facing.
According to Dr Theelen, a firm advocate of SLO, "Direct comparisons have already shown us that SLO images offer better contrast,4 and the use of multiple coloured lasers allows for more precision than traditional fundus cameras. By scanning across the posterior pole of the eye, a confocal SLO can deliver contrast-rich images with a much greater depth of field than a fundus camera,2 even when faced with media opacities. Especially with older patients with cataracts."2
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