Red wavelength should not be forgotten, Professor Michael Stur advises.
Italian study illuminates positive outcomes and common complications of SING IMT implantation
The implant was tested in eyes of patients with bilateral age-related macular degeneration who underwent cataract surgery
PHOTON Results and Their Relation to DME Patients in Your Practice
John Kitchens, MD, is joined by Diana Do, MD, to discuss the PHOTON trial results and their relation to patients with diabetic macular oedema in clinical practice.
US FDA approves continuous delivery ranibizumab treatment (Susvimo, Genentech) for diabetic macular oedema
Previously, Susvimo was called the Port Delivery System with ranibizumab in the United States
PULSAR Results and Their Relation to nAMD Patients in Your Practice
John Kitchens, MD, is joined by David Brown, MD, to discuss the PULSAR study results and their relation to patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration in clinical practice.
European Medicines Agency CHMP adopts positive opinions for two aflibercept biosimilars
Pavblu and Skojoy, both from Amgen, are indicated for the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Viralgen and Axovia Therapeutics enter partnership, target retinal dystrophy in Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
The lead gene therapy candidate, AXV-101, is expected to enter clinical development in mid-2025