Getting it Right: The Reincarnation of the Astigmatic Keratotomy


In a recent blog Dr Mark Packer said: “Somewhere in the back of my mind I keep a quote about perseverance and simplicity. It comes from an interview with Ernest Hemingway. The author was asked to explain why he rewrote the last page of A Farewell to Arms 39 times.”

keep a quote about perseverance and simplicity. It comes from an interview with Ernest Hemingway.1 The author was asked to explain why he rewrote the last page of A Farewell to Arms 39 times.

Interviewer: “What was it that had stumped you?”Hemingway: “Getting the words right.”

Getting anything right isn't easy. A case in point began for me with a phone call from a colleague regarding a patient with intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) who had recently had a toric IOL implanted in his right eye. He had previously had the same procedure on the left eye and done well. However, things were not right on the right. ”

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