Enhancing the Cataract Patient Journey And Solutions for Streamlining Surgical Success


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For a patient undergoing cataract surgery, the primary post-operative expectation is improved vision. As a surgeon, achieving the desired refractive outcome involves several critical steps: conducting precise preoperative measurements, selecting the appropriate IOL technology and power, and performing surgery with accuracy.

Heidelberg Engineering’s advanced diagnostic imaging solutions support you in enhancing the cataract patient journey, from initial assessment and diagnosis to preoperative planning and postoperative monitoring. Throughout this interactive supplement, leading surgeons share their experiences with and discuss the advantages of these advanced diagnostic imaging solutions, as Dr. James Lewis does in this video (Video 1). Read along to learn more.

Optimising Workflow Efficiency

A major challenge for cataract surgeons is the vast number of patients. Addressing this backlog is crucial to prevent vision impairment and improve the quality of life for those affected. The electronic medical record, Heidelberg Eye Explorer HEYEX EMR, helps to streamline the cataract workflow by optimising patient data management, enhancing communication, and improving surgical planning.

Dr. Hackle from Hanusch Hospital in Vienna recalls how HEYEX EMR streamlined their workflow and provided access to patient records across more than five locations.

“There was a need to have a paperless medical record which could be seen in all five locations and met our main requirements: a continuous medical record, a patient summary for a quick overview, as well as planning and documentation…when a system like HEYEX EMR supports structured data the possibilities to use the data are unlimited."
Read the full story on how Hanusch Hospital, Vienna, used HEYEX EMR to streamline their workflow.

Integrating HEYEX EMR and the HEYEX 2 image and data management platform into your clinic workflow allows for improved efficiency. All patient information is centrally recorded and can be accessed anywhere in the clinic. Images and data are immediately available on your desired device, viewing station, and in the patient record.

Visualising all relevant data and images from the cataract workup contributes to an optimal diagnostic workflow, facilitates confident decisions, and assists you in easily identifying potential sources of complication.

Precise Preoperative Measurements

Precise ocular biometry is critical for determining the power of IOLs being implanted. Leveraging advanced Swept-Source OCT technology, ANTERIONⓇ provides you with a comprehensive, all-in-one solution for optical biometry and IOL power prediction. In a single imaging session, the Cataract App provides precise and accurate measurements traditionally delivered by several devices, including axial length, cornea topography and tomography, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, white-to-white, and central corneal thickness.

“I was looking to upgrade my methods and equipment, especially in intraocular lens calculation, explains Dr Arturo Chayet, ophthalmologist and founder of CODET Vision Institute in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. At the time, I was using the IOLMaster500 for calculations, but I was looking for a bridge to swept-source OCT technology. We knew it was crucial to not only measure axial length and various parameters of the eye but also to understand the anterior chamber, specifically the effective lens position. I was struck by the capability of ANTERION and was very impressed with the expertise Heidelberg Engineering has in the field. Our experience with SPECTRALIS was excellent as well.”
- Dr. Arturo Chayet, M.D. Read the full interview here.

For refractive IOL procedures, where presbyopia-correcting IOLs are implanted, and in challenging cases, accessing additional data is essential for patient selection and satisfaction. ANTERION provides a comprehensive analysis of the cornea and includes details on astigmatism and corneal wavefront. Learn more about the significant role ANTERION plays inpremium IOL selection here.

Confident Surgical Planning

ANTERION’s high-resolution imaging of the anterior segment can help you prevent unexpected results by identifying complex ocular properties relating to anatomy, visual quality, and atypical geometry of the anterior segment. The high-quality images also provide visual aids that can be used to explain your patient’s condition and the planned surgical procedure, enhancing their understanding and compliance.

Listen to Dr. Pooja Kumar, Consultant, Khetarpal Hospital, New Delhi, India (Video 2), as she explains how she uses ANTERION’s high-resolution swept-source OCT images to identify complex cases like posterior polar cataracts. She also explains how she utilizes these images to counsel her patients in preparation for surgery.

OCT imaging of the retina before cataract surgery lets you assess pathologies that may limit visual outcomes. SPECTRALIS with SHIFT Technology allows you to choose between 20kHz, 85kHz and 125KHz depending on your needs. 20 kHz scan speed offers high-quality retinal imaging also in eyes with media opacities often caused by cataracts. Read more about the benefits ofretinal OCT before cataract surgery here.

Integrating ANTERION, SPECTRALIS and third-party images into the HEYEX 2 Multimodality Viewer (MMV) provides a comprehensive overview by combining data and images from all devices (Image 1). This consolidated information ensures you have all relevant diagnostic details, enhancing your confidence in surgical planning.

Image 1 — Multimodality Viewer showcasing a comprehensive cataract workflow overview

Image 1 — Multimodality Viewer showcasing a comprehensive cataract workflow overview

Innovation in Surgical Visualisation

SEELUMA® delivers next-generation image technology to revolutionise your surgical practice. It brings together innovative design and 3D technology to set new standards in surgical precision and surgeon comfort during procedures.

Hear from Dr. Alain Saad (Video 3) as he shares his initial impressions and discusses the benefits of SeeLuma, explaining why he eagerly anticipates incorporating it into his practice soon.

High-Resolution Imaging for Postoperative Evaluation

The ANTERION Metrics App supports you in visualising the success of surgical procedures by comparing pre- and post-op images and measurements. Detailed anterior chamber information from high-resolution SS-OCT images helps you assess cataract surgery outcomes, including IOL placement, ensuring optimal patient care and satisfaction (Image 2).

Image 2 — Same eye before (A) and after (B) cataract surgery, including measurements of lens vault and anterior chamber angles. Visualisation of dense lens, IOL, and lens capsule.

Image 2 — Same eye before (A) and after (B) cataract surgery, including measurements of lens vault and anterior chamber angles. Visualisation of dense lens, IOL, and lens capsule.

Watch this Healio video interview with Dr. Mitchell W. Dul, OD, (Video 4) where he explains how he uses the ANTERION Metrics App to show his patients their pre-op and post-op configurations, helping them become more invested in their care.

Click to watch video. Watch the full Healio Interview with Dr. Dul here.

Click to watch video. Watch the full Healio Interview with Dr. Dul here.

Leveraging Heidelberg Engineering's advanced diagnostic tools and technologies, including high-quality OCT imaging, precise biometry, and corneal topography and tomography, enhances your diagnostic accuracy, surgical planning, and postoperative evaluation. Whether dealing with standard, refractive IOL, or challenging cases, these tools and technologies can help you improve patient outcomes and engagement, streamline workflows, and flag potential surgical complications.

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