A new agent aimed at treating symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion may lead to variable outcomes based on several pre-treatment patient characteristics.
Before the 2012 approval of ocriplasmin (Jetrea, Alcon, Fort Worth, Texas, USA), the primary treatments for symptomatic VMA were either observation or vitrectomy with separation of the posterior hyaloid.
Secondary endpoints included: the development of a total posterior vitreous detachment at day 28; nonsurgical closure of full thickness macular hole; visual acuity changes of more than 2 or 3 lines of visual acuity; need for vitrectomy; and improvement in the VFQ-25 assessment.
MIVI-006 enrolled 464 patients, MIVI-007 enrolled 188 patients.
"This was a large cohort study - 652 eyes were treated with a single injection," Dr Hassan said.
Overall, 26.5% of those treated with ocriplasmin had complete VMA resolution at day 28, compared with only 10.1% of those in the sham arm.